Inspired By Example: Episode 7 — Tony James

Sep 1, 2023

Rich Price

Rich Price

nspired By Example is a podcast about leadership — purpose, passion and pivotal moments that change a life of meaning.

In this episode, Will and Rich ask Tony James the "five questions."

Tony discusses the lessons of leadership built over a remarkable career leading at DLJ and as president of the global asset management firm Blackstone. We think this episode is a master class on leadership from someone who has, undoubtedly, led by example.

About the hosts:

Rich is co-founder of Alignd, an intuitive progress platform built to accelerate teams in moving the world forward. He's also a podcaster (The Age Old Question), a musician (The Sweet Remains) and a husband and father of five boys.

Will is founder of Next Frontier Capital, a VC-firm headquartered in Bozeman, Montana. He’s passionate about supporting entrepreneurs to create companies of impact, utility and value. He's an outdoorsman, a soccer fan, husband and father of two sons.

This podcast is presented by Alignd and Next Frontier Capital.