The 80/20 Rule — What key activities are your most valuable?

Jun 15, 2024

Adam Bouchard

Adam Bouchard

While it’s a simple recipe to clarify goals and prioritize key activities → It’s a common challenge to make that process effective and transparent for everyone in an organization.

The Pareto Principle, also known as the "law of the vital few," reminds us that a team’s greatest impact comes from focusing on a few key activities that truly matter.

High-performance teams understand this principle. They:

  • Learn from the past,

  • Adapt to the present

  • Influence their future by continuously refining their vision and prioritizing the most essential activities.

Clarifying a Vision

Clarifying a meaningful path forward takes humility, persistence, and wisdom. It’s about honing and re-clarifying the “why” that drives your team, ensuring everyone remains aligned and inspired.

Prioritizing Essential Activities

Prioritization requires individual character, skill, discipline, and interdependence. It’s about doing the essential work—day after day, week after week—so the entire team moves forward together on the right path.

At Alignd, we help mission-driven organizations focus their efforts and make positive, lasting impacts.

While clarifying goals and prioritizing activities sounds simple, it’s a common challenge to make this process effective and transparent for everyone in an organization.

That’s where comes in. Our platform helps teams:

  • Clarify and share goals,

  • Focus on the key activities, and

  • Follow through with accountability and visibility.

Alignd empowers teams to stay on course and move forward together. Give it a try and experience how alignment turns vision into action.