First Things

Tool or no tool. It takes clarity and committment to succeed.

First Things is a highly effective strategic alignment session that refocuses your senior leadership team around what matters most to your organization.


Successful implementation of your strategic goals begins with unimpeachable clarity and alignment within your senior leadership team (SLT). A shared understanding of priorities - both short and long-term goals - enables agility and adaptability of your business through unpredictable market conditions. Our program is designed to align and inspire the leaders that set the tone for your organization. Identify where there's chaos and then command it with clarity, coordination and connection.

What to expect

A 3-phased, self-paced program, guided by the Alignd team to help you drive clarity and alignment within the senior leadership team. Average elapsed time frame is between 2 to 4 weeks.

Phase One


Create shared clarity around vision and strategic priorities within your Senior Leadership Team, understand where we really are and where the gaps between strategy and implementation have emerged.

  • Kick-off session with CEO (60 mins)
  • Sensing surveys
    - One 10 question survey for SLT to assess shared understanding of strategic priorities.
    - One 10 question survey for sample-size selection of team members across the organization to assess clarity at various levels.
  • Moderated session with SLT (90 mins)
    - Surface and discuss results of both surveys and implications.
    - Establish rock solid alignment to cascade clarity throughout organization.

Phase Two


Walking the walk - leadership team is leading by example to embed strategy into the day-to-day. Accountability and facilitation of habit-forming “strategic intention setting” daily/weekly. The intention is to sustain clarity after the “Town Hall” meeting, so that "when the chairs get stacked", people are focusing their actions to strategy.

  • Access to strategy platform with dedicated accountability performance coaching during program.
  • Culture of Learning - 1:1 and group sessions with Alignd's Organizational Psychologist on how to ensue engagement and drive performance.
  • Data & Reporting through the strategy platform that reveal key insights on leading indicators of success, predictors of future success and measures of organizational alignment.

Phase Three


Facilitate a searchable database of skills, past work experiences, proficiencies and interests to immediately fill organizational needs from within your team.

  • Import resumes of your team members through our system to unlock the latent proficiencies that exist within your organization.
  • Create “usable” profiles of team members that drives deeper connection and more robust collaboration.

One-time fee

$5,000 USD


Full refund upon request if you are not pleased with results.


Inspiration and timeless insights on how progress really happens.


Inspired By Example: Ep 17 | Lawrence K. Fish

In this episode, Will and Rich's guest is Lawrence K. Fish, former Chairman and CEO of Citizens Financial Group, someone with a remarkable record of leadership in business, philanthropy, arts, education and more.

Rich Price

Rich Price


Lessons From The Dishwasher

Daisuke Utagawa credits his time as a dishwasher for setting him on the path to world-renowned restauranteur. Why?

Rich Price

Rich Price


Why “Hold People Capable” Is a Powerful Alternative to “Hold People Accountable”

Authors Brian Moran and Michael Lennington explore the concept of accountability in their book Uncommon Accountability. They suggest it's time to move beyond the idea of "holding people accountable." Instead, they recommend a different perspective: “hold people capable.”

Adam Bouchard

Adam Bouchard