Come together. Move forward.

Simple pricing for teams of any size.


$19 seat/month

For teams up to 50 people.

  • Uptime guarantee
  • Standard email support
  • Basic integrations
  • 2hr onboarding support
Get Aligned



Organizations seeking greater coordination.

  • Priority real-time support
  • Single sign-on
  • Enterprise integrations
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Beyond the product

First Things

First Things is a highly effective strategic alignment session that refocuses your senior leadership team around what matters most to your organization


Inspiration and timeless insights on how progress really happens.


Dev Changelog - 7.26.24

These are the improvements made and bugs fixed during the week of 7.21 - 7.26.24.

Alex F

Alex F


What Your Org Can Learn From The Army

Drawing lessons from the Army’s “Shoot, Move, Communicate”

Rich Price

Rich Price


What We Can Learn From Starlings

What a modern business can learn from a flock of starlings.

Rich Price

Rich Price